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Embrapa has carried out a series of studies in order to select yerba-mate cultivars that are able to adapt to different cultivation conditions. Recently, an innovative research...
Publishing date: 08/11/23
Após três anos de seu lançamento, o Erva 20, sistema desenvolvido pela Embrapa Florestas, tem servido de base para fomentar programas municipais que estimulam a adoção de boas...
Publishing date: 07/04/22
Solidaridad Brasil is an organization from civil society that has been working in the development of production chains in dozens of countries for 50 years. Their work with yerba...
Publishing date: 22/12/20
Um trabalho importante da pesquisa vai permitir, pela primeira vez no Brasil, que cultivares de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis) sejam legalmente protegidas. Os cientistas...
Publishing date: 28/05/19
Application that calculates the recommended fertilizer dose for yerba mate. Ferti-Matte works from soil analysis data and crop information. After processing the data, the app issues a report, whic
...Product: Software Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry
The Manejo-Matte app is a tool for the diagnosis of planted yerba-mate groves. Its theoretical basis is the Erva 20 production system, which helps to increase the quality and productivity of comme
...Product: Software Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry