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Metodologia inédita em sanidade vegetal monitora a entrada da pior doença da citricultura mundial, o HLB, também chamado de greening, na Bahia. O estado é o quarto maior produtor...
Publishing date: 01/06/21
Nesta sexta (29), às 10h, a Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura (Cruz das Almas, BA), Unidade da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Embrapa, vinculada ao Ministério da...
Publishing date: 28/05/20
Um modelo matemático pode ajudar o agricultor a avaliar o impacto da doença huanglongbing (HLB), também conhecida como greening, nas lavouras citrícolas do País. O modelo foi...
Publishing date: 26/04/16
This project aims at the development of phytotechnical processes and citrus varieties to contribute to the management of HLB based on experiments installed at the FCC in an area where HLB occurs. Several scion/rootstock combinations and five citrus seedling planting systems and intercropping with other species will be selected for production, in addition to the occurrence of Diaphorina citri and the incidence of HLB.
Status: In progress Start date: Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021
Citrus HLB is the most important citrus disease worldwide. It is considered a quarantine pest present in Brazil and threatens to spread throughout the national territory. The project helps to stem the spread of the disease in the country. It is structured to generate three Solutions for Innovation derived from the HLB dissemination scenarios and three specific problems:Absence of validated contingency plans for the decision to contain HLB in citrus groves in the Northeast; Phytosanitary alert in
Status: Completed Start date: Wed May 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019