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News report Converter lodo de estação de tratamento de água (ETA) em matéria-prima para produção de fertilizantes de liberação controlada é o desafio que vai unir esforços e competências de... Publishing date: 07/06/23 |
News report Small, technology, future, science, innovation, and unfamiliarity. These are the first words that come to mind when people think about nanotechnology. This was the result of a... Publishing date: 02/10/18 |
News report In the size of a rice grain, a controlled-release fertilizer developed with the use of the nanotechnology is the newest research bet to extenuate one of the biggest problems of... Publishing date: 20/12/16 |
News report A Embrapa Instrumentação (São Carlos, SP) participa da Nano TradeShow 2016 com a apresentação de painel ilustrativo de pesquisas desenvolvidas à base de nanotecnologia e com... Publishing date: 09/11/16 |
News report Embrapa Instrumentation (São Carlos, SP) and Bio Nano company researchers have started to test the production of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) on an industrial scale. From the... Publishing date: 24/09/19 |