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News report

The hydrogel is a polymer that conditions the soil to higher water retention. Plant mortality rate went down in the orchard's first year. Technique increased seedling survival rate...

Publishing date: 11/06/24

News report

A study has developed a device with artificial intelligence to sense water stress in plants At a low cost, the technology can be adopted by medium- and small-scale farmers....

Publishing date: 20/08/24

News report

Embrapa has developed a type of cheese analogue and a beverage made of babassu nuts. The products are a result of the union between traditional knowledge and science. Sensory...

Publishing date: 11/04/23

News report

Promising results for the exploitation of planted forests in semi-arid have been made by studies sponsored by Embrapa. Two hybrids and seven wood species showed good development in...

Publishing date: 04/11/14

News report

A mission of businesspeople from Benin made a technical visit today, September 6, to the headquarters of Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry in Fortaleza, CE, and to the Pacajus...

Publishing date: 06/09/17

News report

Researchers have successfully tested a new alternative that can facilitate the use of cashew bagasse and other similar (lignocelullosic) materials in biorefineries. They were able...

Publishing date: 27/03/18

News report

Cashew bagasse fibers which had its sugars and other low molecular weight compounds extracted in laboratory were able to inhibit obesity in rats on a high-calorie diet. The animals...

Publishing date: 10/09/19

News report

The canary melons that leave the Jaguaribe-Açu region - the main Brazilian region producing the fruit - emit half the amount of greenhouse gases that Italian melons cultivated in...

Publishing date: 14/08/18

News report

A study developed by Embrapa can considerably reduce the cost of producing bacterial cellulose, a natural polymer that is considered noble but is still industrially underexplored....

Publishing date: 02/07/19

News report

Highlights: Melon plants are highly dependent on bee pollination. Low bee visitation rates can harm commercial plantations. Scientists discovered that volatile compounds in the...

Publishing date: 04/02/20