News report Knowledge will allow the use of genetic tools and bioproducts that can reduce or replace chemical insecticides in crops Thus it will help both conventional and organic coffee... Publishing date: 02/08/22 |
News report Collection offers visibility and conservation for Brazilian vanilla species, which are still little known around the world. It is the first and only vanilla gene bank in Brazil. It... Publishing date: 19/07/22 |
News report Service traces the genetic profile of female brood fish and allows the selection of individuals for crossbreeding aimed at improved animal performance and at preventing inbreeding.... Publishing date: 27/04/22 |
News report Considered one of the largest repositories of germplasm in the world, with a total of 147,000 plant samples (seeds and plants) representing over 1,100 species, Embrapa's Gene... Publishing date: 06/06/23 |
News report Electronic equipment reproduces vibrations that insects use to communicate. By interfering with their behaviors, equipment can attract the bugs, drive them away and affect their... Publishing date: 06/02/24 |
News report The study used the cultivar BRSMG Curinga, which was launched in 2005 and replaced in the market after losing resistance to blast over the years. It identified a group of... Publishing date: 03/09/24 |
News report A group of 38 researchers from nine countries — which includes experts in immunology, plant pathology, ecology, evolutionary biology, biosecurity and planetary sciences — published... Publishing date: 12/12/24 |
News report The II International Forage and Turf Breeding Conference (IFTBC 2024) will be held on October 16 - 18, in Brasília, DF, Brazil. It comprises three days of discussions, updates and... Publishing date: 01/08/24 |
News report A documentary produced between 2018 and 2019 by Fábio Freitas, a researcher at Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, has recently hit 2 million views on YouTube. The film... Publishing date: 05/08/24 |
News report INTA's President visits Embrapa to prospect future research topics of common interest between the countries, with a focus on bioeconomy, among others. On December 12, 2016, the... Publishing date: 13/12/16 |