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News report

Pathogen causes symptoms that burn the leaf, which reduces photosynthesis and thus hinders plant development. Microorganism was also observed in recently launched guarana clones...

Publishing date: 03/05/22

News report

Inoculating cowpeas with rhizobia (beneficial bacteria) in a no-till farming system (NTFS) replaces nitrogen fertilization in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. A study by Embrapa...

Publishing date: 30/05/23

News report

The result is very promising to restore forests of the Amazon biome, where there are currently over 5 million hectares of degraded soils. In one of the studied areas, 3,000...

Publishing date: 19/09/23

News report

Product acceptance was positive and comparable to other unconventional products, such as cowpeas and the meal from the oil extraction of sacha-inchi, an Amazonian plant. The...

Publishing date: 30/01/24

News report

From almost a century, the South American Leaf Blight (SALB) - a disease caused by the fungus Microcyclus ulei - economically frustrates the commercial planting of rubber trees in...

Publishing date: 08/08/14

News report

Brazilian and German researchers are jointly attempting to understand the processes that regulate soil respiration in different land use models in Amazonian Basin areas. Based on...

Publishing date: 06/06/17

News report

Studies conducted by Embrapa Western Amazon in partnership with three Brazilian universities demonstrated that guarana plants (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis) have microorganisms...

Publishing date: 26/11/19

News report

Ceplac's experiments with a hybrid variety of palm oil from Embrapa (HIE OXG) resulted in a new oil, with lower acidity and more flavor. The product results from crossing African...

Publishing date: 08/06/21

News report

Tropical race 4 (TR4) of the Fusarium wilt of banana fungus has recently been detected in Colombia. That is the only race of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense microorganism...

Publishing date: 11/02/21