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News report The Northern region Ethiopia has characteristics that limit agricultural production, with a climate that varies from semiarid to desertic. To cope with such conditions, the rural... Publishing date: 08/08/18 |
News report After little more than six months since the installation of the first laboratory to produce inoculants in Ghana, Africa, with the support of Embrapa Agrobiology, the first fruits... Publishing date: 08/06/17 |
News report Quase dois anos após a instalação do primeiro laboratório para produção de inoculantes em Gana, na África, com o apoio da Embrapa, os resultados iniciais mostram-se promissores. É... Publishing date: 27/11/18 |
News report Six technical cooperation projects were selected by the platform "M-BoSs: building on the successes of Marketplace", which aims at potencializing and expanding good results... Publishing date: 21/02/17 |
News report Researchers from the African countries Uganda and Ethiopia visited units that demonstrate an alternative integrated food production system nicknamed Sisteminha Embrapa (Embrapa's... Publishing date: 07/03/17 |