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News report Households across all continents wasted over 1 billion meals a day in 2022, while 783 million people were affected by hunger and a third of humanity faced food insecurity. Food... Publishing date: 27/03/24 |
News report Na próxima quarta-feira, dia 2, será realizado na Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, em Sinop (MT), o seminário “Impactos socioeconômicos da recuperação de pastagens degradadas em Mato... Publishing date: 26/07/23 |
News report New study with data gathered from 54 countries, including Brazil, counted on the collaboration of Embrapa Food and Territories It is estimated that 931 million tonnes of food, or... Publishing date: 11/03/21 |
News report O presidente da Embrapa, Celso Moretti, assumiu a representação brasileira no Comitê Diretor do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente, Pnuma, que irá supervisionar a... Publishing date: 29/08/19 |