16/01/20 |

Mission to UAE to open up opportunities for Brazilian agribusiness

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Photo: Cláudio Bezerra

Cláudio Bezerra - Visit of UAE minister Mariam Al Mehairi to Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology reinforced interest in partnership with the Brazilian research institution

Visit of UAE minister Mariam Al Mehairi to Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology reinforced interest in partnership with the Brazilian research institution

From January 18 to January 21, Embrapa president Celso Moretti joins an international mission by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation relations and breaking into new markets for Brazilian agribusiness. The technical mission to Abu Dhabi and Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, includes visits to goverment and research institutions related to the use of conventional and unconventional water (such as saline water, treated wastewater, industrial water, agricultural drainage, and seawater), private food and beverage companies, and rural properties. On the 19th, there is a meeting with UAE Minister of State for Future Food Security, Mariam Al-Mehairi, to discuss potential strategic partnerships of mutual interest for both countries.

The Brazilian delegation also comprises the secretary of Innovation, Rural Development, and Irrigation at Mapa and secretary of the Embrapa's Administrative Council (Consad), Fernando Camargo; the heads of Embrapa Vegetables, Warley Nascimento, Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, Alberto Vilarinho, and Embrapa Goats and Sheep, Marco Aurélio Bomfim; as well as representatives of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil).

On their technical agenda, there are visits to the International Center of Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), an international agricultural research center that aims to improve productivity and sustainability in marginal and saline environments; to Camelicious Farm, to the Fish Farm (which focuses on marine fish breeding and hatchery to supply the local aquaculture industry), to the Agthia Group (leading company in the food and beverage sector), to the Al Dhahra Holding Company (multinational leader in agribusiness, specializing in the cultivation, production and trading of animal feed and essential food commodities and end-to-end supply chain management), to Elite Agro (company that grows ans trades fresh food products) and the Jenan Investment Company, as well as a research station run by ADAFSA (Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority, the local authority in charge of agriculture, food safety, food security and biosecurity).

International interest

“The possibilities for cooperation and technology exchange, on top of opening markets and business for Brazil, are very big”, stated the president of Embrapa. For him, the Arab country's profile of seeking new investment opportunities as an alternative to oil dependence favors negotiations in several areas of interest to both nations. Moretti underscores that food security for the UAE population is a priority issue for their government, especially since there is a high level of imports, unlike Brazil, which is able to feed a population seven times larger than the Brazilian one.

At the biosaline research center, the expectation is to exchange experiences that can be adapted to the reality of the Caatinga biome. “They work with desalination of seawater and subsoil water, which is saline”, he commented, and pointed that the countercontribution could come from Embrapa Semi-Arid Agriculture and from Embrapa Environment, which develop studies on biosaline agriculture and crops like saltbush, a forage plant used in animal feed that adapts well to arid and semi-arid regions.

The mission will learn from the experience of the fish farm and, in the area of food security, there is the opportunity to visit the public research center, which focuses on the physical, chemical and biological quality of food. “The country consumes imported food, hence there is a concern about contamination risks to the population”, he explained. “With regard to that, Embrapa Food Technology and Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry can interact with the Arab institution, in addition to Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture, which is interested in the fish farming experience”, the president highlighted.

Moretti expects that the trip to the Arab Emirated has positive repercussions for the private initiative by paving the way for new business deals with the Brazilian agricultural sector. Moreover, the partnership with the country can result in alternative souces of funds for agricultural research.

Embrapa in the UAE 

Another point in the agenda for discussion among representatives of the two countries is Embrapa's intention to establish an office in the UAE, in order to facilitate contact and strengthen future partnerships. “But it is a matter that needs to be submitted to the ministries of Agriculture and Foreign Relations”, he anticipated. “Such possibility represents excellent opportunities for Brazil, as 50% of the world's middle class will be in Southeast Asia, mostly located in the globe's tropical belt (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia)”.

According to him, if an Embrapa office is indeed set up in the country, a manager with a keen eye on business and agricultural opportunities should be appointed for it. “We want to boost the area and invest more on strategies to monetize our assets, starting in 2020”, he stated, affirming the importance of the corporation's international presence. “Embrapa has a strong name-brand abroad thanks to the recognition the research developed with our partners has earned”, he added.

Moretti believes there should be no shortage of funds for good projects. “And good projects in the field of agriculture is what Embrapa does best”, he assured. The president said that Embrapa has cultivars that are protected through royalties and that it is possible to establish contracts with the UAE to make them available in that country. The opportunities for monetization and fundraising include using knowledge as an asset, especially with scientific advice adapted to local conditions.

The opening of investment opportunities in Brazil in the are of bioeconomy - which is expected to generate trillions of dollars in the future -, was also mentioned by Moretti as a potential successful partnership. “We can offer our technology developed from nitrogen-fixing bacteria (BNF)”, he pointed out, recalling that in Brazil 35 million hectares produce soybeans without a single gram of nitrogen fertilizers.

As for projects abroad, Moretti anticipated that there is a cooperation agreement to be signed with Apex aimed at continuously funding future missions abroad as part of a strategic plan to strengthen Embrapa's internationalization. The expectation is that the agreement will be established in the first quarter of the year.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Kátia Marsicano (MTb-DF 3645)
Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Affairs - Sire

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