08/03/16 |   Fisheries and aquaculture

Pantanal fishery is presented in international book

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Photo: Nicoli Dichoff

Nicoli Dichoff - Information produced by Embrapa and Imasul comprise the publication

Information produced by Embrapa and Imasul comprise the publication

An important publication on freshwater fishing launched this year counts on information on the activity produced specificaly for the Pantanal region. The book "Freshwater Fisheries Ecology" is an 898-page publication by the scientific publisher Wiley Blackwell. The issue was compiled by the researcher John Craig, who is also the chief editor of the "Journal of Fish Biology".

According to Agostinho Catella, the researcher from Embrapa Pantanal who was part of the team of Brazilian collaborators in the project, "the book addresses the theme of freshwater fishery on a global scale. It discusses ecosystems, fishery management and development, the effects of environmental disturbances on the activity, and other aspects. In the section about fishery resources, the publication provides an outlook on freshwater fisheries in all continents. One of the chapters deals with fishery in South America", he stated.

Agostinho reports that John Craig invited the researcher Mário Barletta – a professor from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), in Recife, PE – to gather a team that could present the most relevant information on fishery in the South-American continent. "Mário sought specialists in seven basins in the continent: Magdalena river, Orinoco river, Amazon, São Francisco river, Río de La Plata, Lagoa dos Patos and Patagonian Lakes basins", he lists. Hence the researchers Agostinho Catella, Angelo Agostinho (from the State University of Maringá – UEM) and Claudio Baigún (from the Technological Institute of Chascomús, Argentina) were responsible for the section that described fishery in the Río de La Plata basin. The researcher from Embrapa Pantanal addressed the Pantanal region more directly in the publication.

"We described how professional, artisanal, and amateur (or recreational) fishing takes place in Pantanal and their close relationship with the environment. We present the trends they have followed since their early beginnings, the fishery policies that have been adopted, and the conflicts of interest among stakeholders. Then we move on to fish production – a segment that was largely based on the information that we produced through the Mato Grosso do Sul Fishery Control System, or SCPesca/MS", he affirmed. The system, which was developed through a partnership with the Mato Grosso do Sul Environmental Institute (Imasul – SEMADE/MS) and the 15th Batallion of the Environmental Military Police (15º BPMA-MS), has collected data for around 20 years. "With regard to the collection of information on amateur and professional artisanal fishery, it surely is the largest data set in the country", Agostinho asserts.

For the biologist Fânia Campos, an Imasul environmental inspector, publishing the data on the fishery activity in the High Paraguay basin is a significant acknowledgement of the SCPesca/MS. "It is a validation for our work. The data and information obtained through the System are also used to manage and organize the activity in the state. Such information only exists here in Mato Grosso do Sul", Fânia affirms. For Agostinho, through an extensive collection such as the one SCPesca/MS has conducted one can observe the changes the activity has undergone throughout the years. "We can see the constrast between what fishery used to be, that is, when only professional artisanal fishery took place, and the current situation, which involves many stakeholders", he says. "There is subsistence fishing, professional artisanal fishing (traditional activity that has a socioeconomic role of major importance in the region) and amateur fishing, which generates jobs, income, moves the economy and makes Pantanal the main tourist destination for this leisure activity".


Check the link for the book "Freshwater Fisheries Ecology" on the publisher's website:


Mariana de Lima Medeiros

Nicoli Dichoff (MTb 3252/SC)
Embrapa Pantanal

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