Call for abstracts for 6th World Cotton Research Conference ends on 31st
Call for abstracts for 6th World Cotton Research Conference ends on 31st
Photo: Event promotion
Lecturers include researchers from Brazil, Australia, USA, India, Germany, France, and Tanzania.
March 31 is the deadline for abstract submissions for the 6th World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-6) and for the Conference of the International Cotton Genome Initiative, two of the largest cotton research events in the world, which will be simultaneously held on May 2 - 6, in Goiânia, GO, Brazil.
The events will gather the world's foremost specialists in cotton cropping and will be an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge on and advances in cotton production practices worldwide. Lecturers include researchers from Brazil, Australia, USA, India, Germany, France, and Tanzania.
Submissions will be accepted on 11 areas of knowledge: Breeding and development of cultivars, Genetics and genomics, Precision agriculture applied to cotton cropping, Cotton crop protection, Cotton plant physiology, Plant management and sustainability in cotton production, Harvest and post-harvest technologies, Fiber quality and processing, Cotton crop economics and competitiveness, Social dynamics of cotton cropping and technology transfer, and Measuring sustainability in cotton production systems.
Interested parties should first complete their registration and then submit their abstracts directly on the event website. Submitted abstracts must contain up to 500 words. Selected works will be announced by April 11.
The event schedule includes eight plenary sessions and two conferences on different technologies for the sustainability of world cotton cropping, and two technical tours: one in a cotton production area and processing unit, and the other through the Goiás Cotton Farmers' Association's cotton classification lab and through Embrapa's experimental station in Goiás.
The events are jointly organized by Agopa, Embrapa, the Goiás Cotton Crop Incentive Fund (Fundo de Incentivo à Cultura do Algodão em Goiás - Fialgo), Goiás Foundation, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), and the International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA), with the support from the Brazilian Cotton Farmers' Association (Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão - Abrapa), the Brazilian Cotton Institute (Instituto Brasileiro do Algodão - IBA), the Goiás Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária de Goiás - FAEG), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) and the Goiás state government.
More information: +55 62 3241-0404 or
Edna Santos (MTB-CE 01700)
Embrapa Cotton
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Phone number: (83)3182-4361
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