26/04/16 |   Research, Development and Innovation

World Cotton Research Conference gathers top experts in Goiânia

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Photo: Fabiano Perina

Fabiano Perina - During the 5-day event there will be lectures with internationally renowned researchers and presentations of studies conducted all over the world

During the 5-day event there will be lectures with internationally renowned researchers and presentations of studies conducted all over the world

The world's foremost specialists in cotton cropping will be gathered in Goiânia, GO, next week, for the 6th World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-6) and for the Conference of the International Cotton Genome Initiative, which will be held simultaneously from May 2 to May 6, 2016 at the Convention Center. Around 300 scholars from 35 countries have registered for the events.

The goal of the events is to promote a debate among the researchers involved with the cotton sector and the exchange of scientific innovations aimed at the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of cotton cropping.

During the 5-day event there will be lectures by internationally renowned researchers and presentations of studies conducted all over the world, in addition to two technical tours: one in a cotton production area and processing unit, and the other through the Goiás Cotton Farmers' Association's cotton classification lab and through Embrapa's experimental station in Goiás.

On Monday morning, two keynote speeches will take place: "Innovative Research Solutions to Enhance Cotton Production: how close are we?" and "Connecting Growers with Research". There will be eight plenary sessions in the mornings of May 3 - 6, and conference interpreting to Portuguese and Spanish will be available in both cases. The parallel sessions and workshops will be held exclusively in English and take place in the afternoons.

Lecturers include researchers from Brazil, Australia, USA, India, Germany, France, and Tanzania. The Embrapa Cotton researcher Camilo de Lelis Morello is going to present his research on the development of Brazilian Cerrado-adapted cotton germplasm.

The WCRC has already been held in Greece, Australia, South Africa, United States and India. According to the organizers, Brazil was chosen to host this edition of the event due to its expressive participation in world cotton production and because it is an international reference in agricultural research. Brazil is the world's fifth largest cotton producer and third top exporter, thanks to its well-structured production chain and to investiments in research and technology, with full mechanization of the process from sowing to the harvest. The country is also a major cotton consumer, as domestic consumption averages more than a million tons of fiber per year. Goiás is Brazil's third top cotton producing state, which was strategically chosen to give participants the opportunity to get to know Brazilian Cerrado production areas and cotton cropping systems.

The events are jointly organized by Agopa, Embrapa, the Goiás Cotton Crop Incentive Fund (Fundo de Incentivo à Cultura do Algodão em Goiás - Fialgo), Goiás Foundation, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), and the International Cotton Researchers Association (ICRA), with the support from the Brazilian Cotton Farmers' Association (Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão - Abrapa), the Brazilian Cotton Institute (Instituto Brasileiro do Algodão - IBA), the Goiás Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária de Goiás - FAEG), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) and the Goiás state government.

The full schedule is available on the event website.



6th World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-6) and
2016 Conference of the International Cotton Genome Initiative
Period: May 2 - 6, 2016 
Venue: Goiânia Convention Center (Rua 4, 1400, Setor Central, Goiânia – GO)
Time:  8h30 - 17h30

More press information:
Edna Santos
+55 83 3182.4361/ 99968.6339

Breno Alves Pereira Sarques
+55 62 3241.0404/ 8206.0733

Mariana de Lima Medeiros


Edna Santos (MTB-CE 01700)
Embrapa Cotton

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