05/08/16 |   Environmental and land management

ARAquá technology is now more accessible for Latin American and Caribbean professionals

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In order to make the ARAquá software more accessible for professionals who work with pesticide environmental risk in Latin American and Caribbean countries, Embrapa Territorial Management has made a version in Spanish available, in addition to the Portuguese and English versions. Twenty countries in the region have Spanish as their official language.
ARAquá uses mathematical models to estimate agrochemical concentrations in water resources in agricultural use scenarios, and compares them to water quality protection parameters, explains the general manager of Embrapa Territorial Management, Claudio Spadotto.
To download any of the three versions of ARAquá, access: https://www.embrapa.br/gestao-territorial/produtos-processos
Translation by: Mariana de Lima Medeiros

Embrapa Territorial Management

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