22/08/16 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Open call for papers for the International Symposium on Tropical Wines

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Photo: Giuliano Elias Pereira

Giuliano Elias Pereira - Traditional Vineyards in the Lower Middle São Francisco Valley

Traditional Vineyards in the Lower Middle São Francisco Valley

Professionals and students still have time to catch the early bird discounts

On October 19 - 21, Petrolina (Pernambuco) is going to welcome representatives from the world's main tropical wine and grape regions who are going to discuss issues related to tropical viticulture and enology. By August 31, potential participants can submit abstracts to be published in the proceedings and register for the event at promotional prices.

According to Giuliano Elias Pereira, Embrapa's researcher and event chairman, after being held in Thailand and Australia, the Symposium returns to the São Francisco River Valley - the main tropical vinicultural region in Brazil and birthplace of the summit. "Brazil is definitely at the forefront of research on tropical wines, and the Symposium is the main forum for the exchange of information and experiences among tropical wine producing regions", he comments. Tropical viniculture is established in several countries, in South America – Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela; in Asia – Thailand, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Bali; in Africa – Ethiopia, Gabon, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania, and in Oceania – French Polynesia.

Abstract submission

There is an open call for papers in English. They have to be submitted as abstracts (template available here), which are going to published in the event proceedings and exposed as posters or oral presentations. The technical-scientific abstracts have to comprise studies, analyses or surveys on: Tropical and arid climates in wine producing regions; Geology and soil effects on vine, grapes and wines; Vine management in vegetative cycles in the course of the year; Irrigation ; Pests and diseases; Geographical indications for tropical wines; Viti-/vinicultural zoning; Adaptation of varieties and rootstocks; Viticultural landscapes, environmental sustainability and biodiversity; Tropical winemaking technologies; Chemical composition of tropical wines; Sensory characteristics of tropical wines; Markets and strategies to promote tropical wines worldwide; Agroindustrial waste treatment.

The papers are going to be evaluated by the Scientific Commission and authors will be informed about acceptance by September 22, through the e-mail address mentioned in the abstract. Publication is subject to registration for the event. The final date for abstract submission is August 31, 2016.

Any doubts about the elaboration of the abstracts can be clarified through the e-mail: istw2016@embrapa.br



By August 31, students pay R$ 150.00; after the deadline, the fee will go up to R$ 200.00. For professionals, the early bird amount is R$ 500.00, and then, R$ 600.00. Registration fees include Symposium handouts (including Proceedings), lunch and coffee breaks.

The event is organized by Embrapa (Embrapa Semi-arid Region and Embrapa Grape and Wine), Group of International Experts of Vitivinicultural Systems for CoOperation (GiESCO) and Chaire Unesco – Culture et Traditions du Vin. It is supported by Senac, Facepe, IFRS Sertão Pernambucano and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).

Click here for additional information on the event, on: https://www.embrapa.br/simposio-de-vinhos-tropicais/

Viviane Zanella (Mtb14004)
Embrapa Grape and Wine

Press inquiries

Phone number: 54-34558084

Further information on the topic
Citizen Attention Service (SAC)