16/09/16 |   Climate change  Low Carbon Agriculture

Brazilian researcher participates in IPCC meeting

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Photo: João Wagner - Cetesb

João Wagner - Cetesb - Reunião do IPCC no Hotel Renaissance de Minsk

Reunião do IPCC no Hotel Renaissance de Minsk

A researcher from Embrapa Environment (Jaguariúna, SP), Magda Lima, has been to Minsk, Republic of Belarus, on August 29 - 31, 2016, to participate in a meeting by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to discuss the scope of Methodology Reports to refine the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, published in 2006.

The meeting followed the 43rd IPCC Session, held in April 11-13 in Nairobi, Kenya, which approved a proposal on the Refinement of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, including the elaboration of a Methodology Report. Such report is due to be launched in 2019.

"Many opportunities for refinement and improvement have been observed since the last version of the Guidelines, in addition to the large number of studies conducted since 2006, including new greenhouse gas (GHG) sources and sinks," explains Magda. "There is also the possibility to perfect new GHG emission factors, adjust methods and add information. Moreover, GHG sources and sinks will be identified to fill gaps, once new technologies and production processes have emerged since 2006," she emphasizes.

Working groups were established for every key area (energy, urban waste, industry, wetlands, and AFOLU, an acronym for agriculture, forestry and other land use). Due to her expertise, Magda participated in the Group related to Agriculture, which addressed themes like enteric fermentation, animal waste, agricultural soils, waste burning, and flooded rice, and indicated flaws and opportunities for refinement. The researcher was the only specialist in flooded rice cultivation present, but also participated in the other topics.

"The aim is not to generate a replacement for the 2006 Guidelines, but rather a supplementary guide that will bring new elements for the elaboration of inventories in light of the research advances about the theme, including those produced in our country," she adds.

The document is going to include other types of presentation, with tables, examples, and illustrations, for instance, and a major effort will be expended to materialize it. It is also worth noting the important contribution from a large number of specialists who offered suggestions and potential improvements to the 2016 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, which are being compiled by experts in different topics.

Cristina Tordin (MTB 28499)
Embrapa Environment

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