20/09/17 |   Research, Development and Innovation  Animal production

Diversity of domestic breeds strengthens Brazil-US cooperation

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Photo: Claudio Bezerra

Claudio Bezerra - Harvey Blackburn (left) and Samuel Paiva (right) discuss the continuity of the US-Brazil scientific cooperation.

Harvey Blackburn (left) and Samuel Paiva (right) discuss the continuity of the US-Brazil scientific cooperation.

The diversity of domestic breeds in Brazil and in the United States is similar in terms of variability and a great ally of science, especially of scientists devoted to animal breeding, a theme that stands out in discussions regarding the importance of research in the area in order to ensure food security. Such agenda motivated the visit of the director of the ARS/USDA's National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), Harvey D. Blackburn, to Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (Brasília,DF), which shares with the former institution a single database in the field, the Animal Genetic Resources Information Network (A-GRIN) also known as Alelo Animal in Brazilian Portuguese, through a partnership.

Harvey Blackburn commented that the idea behind the visit is to assess joint project results and discuss possibilities to strengthen and expand scientific cooperation between both countries – formally established in 1988 with the setup of Labex USA, the country office of Embrapa's Program of Virtual Labs Abroad.

According to the researcher Samuel Paiva, who worked as a visiting scholar at NCGRP by January, the interaction between Brazilian and American scientists in the field signals possibilities of new projects and other colleagues. “The idea is to multiply partnerships”, diz Paiva.

Samuel Paiva and Harvey Blackburn bet on domestic breed diversity as a prevailing factor for the progress of research related to agribusiness. That is why they believe that strengthening the exchange of genetic material is an important step in the cooperation between both countries. In practice, Brazilian and American researchers already share the data within the A-GRIN - a tool built by such partners in the course of nearly a decade and which gathers records of 12,000 animals and respective phenotypical, genotypical and molecular descriptors, genealogical tree (pedigree), in addition to over a million DNA, semen and blood samples conserved liquid nitrogen banks (at 196ºC below zero).  

Besides meeting with Samuel Paiva, a partner in research in the area and former visitinf scholar at NCGRP, Harvey also participated in a videoconference with teams who work with animal breeding at Embrapa Goats and Sheep (Sobral, CE), Embrapa Swine and Poultry (Concórdia,SC) and Embrapa Coastal Tablelands (Aracaju,SE).

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Deva Rodrigues (MTB/RS 5297)
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology

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