06/10/17 |   Technology Transfer

Embrapa takes research knowledge to Bolivia

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Photo: Divulgação

Divulgação - Pantaneiro cattle and family farming are themes of lectures in the neighboring country.

Pantaneiro cattle and family farming are themes of lectures in the neighboring country.

On the upcoming October 09, Monday, Embrapa Pantanal representatives are going to Puerto Suarez, Bolivia, to participate in ExpoPantanal – a multisector exhibit fair that gathers audiences and institutions from Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. The event takes place at Zona Franca, Comercial, Industrial y Maquiladora Puerto Suárez (ZOFRAMAQ) from October 06 to 15. The program includes the international seminar “Bolivia – Brazil Agricultural Technology Transfer”, with lectures by researchers from the Pantanal research unit, an event partner, and several other institutions from participating countries at the El Pantanal Hotel Resort (in Arroyo Concepción, Bolivia).

Among the topics discussed during the seminar are cattle farming in Brazil and in Bolivia, animal health, family farming, oilseeds, productivity in the fields, and other themes. Embrapa Pantanal will be represented by the general head, Jorge Lara, and by the researchers Raquel Soares and Alberto Feiden. Soares will be responsible for a lecture that is going to address the characteristics of the Pantaneiro, a cattle breed that is locally adapted to Pantanal climate conditions. Feiden is going to discuss activities aimed at perfecting family farming production processes and the partnerships established in the area with institutions in the neighboring country. Both lectures will be given in the evening of October 09.

The event aims at building bridges for the exchange of information, technology transfer, and the exchange of experiences between the countries. Besides the seminar, there will be business roundtables, discussion forums, cultural presentations and other activities.

Check the seminar's program:


International seminar “Bolivia – Brazil Agricultural Technology Transfer”

Date: October 09, Monday

Time: 17h - 21h

Venue: El Pantanal Hotel Resort – Arroyo Concepción, Bolívia


17h: Registration/ opening


17h15: Bolivia productiva (MINISTRO DESAROLLO RURAL Y TIERRAS)

17h35: Agropecuaria en Bolivia/ Aftosa Santa Cruz (SENASAG)

17h55: Agropecuaria MS (MAPA – BRASIL)

18h15: Ganado criollo (GOBERNACION SANTA CRUZ – CIAT)

18h35: Pontecialidad agraria Santa Cruz (NUTRIOIL GRAVETAL)

18h55: Industrias oleaginosas (NUTRIOIL GRAVETAL)

19h15: Break

19h25: Ganado Pantanero (EMBRAPA/ SEBRAE)

19h55: Proyectos agropecuarios MS (EMBRAPA/ SEBRAE)

20h15: Ferias pecuaristas de Bolivia (FEGASACRUZ)

20h35: Potencial genético y transferencia de tecnologia (ASOCEBU BOL-BRA)

21h: Closing

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Nicoli Dichoff (Mtb 3251/SC)
Embrapa Pantanal

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