18/10/17 |   Research, Development and Innovation  Animal production  Technology Transfer

Brazil and Uruguay vets participate in pioneering course on IFIOT

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Photo: Victória Moretti

Victória Moretti - Group of teachers and students on the course about the IFIOT technique.

Group of teachers and students on the course about the IFIOT technique.

Eight veterinarians from different Brazilian regions and one from Uruguay participated in the first course on the intrafollicular immature oocyte transfer (IFIOT) technique, developed by the researcher from Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Margot Dode. The technique, who gathered all of these professionals at the Sucupira Farm campus, offers all the advantages of in vitro fertilization (IVF), with an additional benefit: it does not require lab facilities to be performed.

According to the researcher Ricardo Figueiredo, besides building professional capacity, the event focused on further developing the technique. “We intend to not only train people, but also that they practice the technique and give us feedback”, Figueiredo states.

The Uruguayan veterinarian José Santana said that he learned of the course during a congress by the Brazilian Society of Embryo Transfer (SBTE) last year. “The course is very good, we have all the materials needed to learn, good facilities and many practical lessons”.  

Emerson da Silvia, a veterinarian from Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, recalls he discovered the course in an Embrapa news piece about IFIOT. “Calling professionals from the labor market who have been working the the area for some time is a great aim of the course”.

The event took place at the Sucupira Experimental Field Training Center, in Brasília, DF, from October 16 to 18.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros


Victória Moretti, supervised by the journalist Deva Rodrigues (MTB/RS 5297)
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology

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