Amazonian Robustas surf the third coffee wave
Amazonian Robustas surf the third coffee wave
Photo: Enrique Alves /Rafael Rocha
Check the third issue of the magazine Cafés de Rondônia [Rondônia Coffees], in Portuguese and English
Technology, tradition and sustainability bring new aromas and flavors from the forest
“Amazonian Robustas have everything to be part of the 'third wave of coffee' with their little known or unexplored aromas and flavors until then and from a new sensorial assessment standpoint”, highlights the Embrapa Rondônia researcher Enrique Alves. The “third wave of coffee” is a popular expression that identifies a moment of higher awareness and connection with the entire coffee production chain. It concerns the traceability of the whole production process, from the farm to the cup. An environment where all are connected by coffee.
This is one of the topics addressed in the third edition of the magazine Cafés de Rondônia in Portuguese, which has also been translated into English. Embrapa's publication has gathered experts to discuss the chances to coffee cultivation in the Brazilian state. It features: Aroma, flavor and origin, highlighting potential ones found in the Amazon. It portrays the different stakeholder in the coffee chain who seek differentiation in production and in quality for the process of certification of origin and to add value to the Amazon biome as a coffee producer. The latest and other issues of the magazine are freely available online on Embrapa Rondônia's web portal.
The potential of Amazonian Robusta coffees was verified by different visitors with national and international experience in the area, who came to Rondônia in 2018 to debate and improve ongoing work. Their impression is recorded in texts and videos, which available through the QR code in this issue.
Moreover, the cover story addresses the work with indigenous people at Rio Branco Indigenous Lands, in Alta Floresta d'Oeste, who have invested in producing fine Robusta coffees as windows of opportunity to improve their quality of life. The results are already being harvested. The indigenous farmer Valdir Aruá took the 2nd place in the 2018 Rondônia Coffee Quality and Sustainability Competition (Concafé), promoted by Emater-RO and partners. The issue includes a forecast of weather trends in Rondônia for the next 15 years. This can help in the long term planning of the management of water resources for the crop and its sustainability.
The reader can also make a brief trip to the past. Many believe that the history of coffee cultivation in Rondônia is recent. However, reports suggest that the state pioneered the cultivation of coffee in the country. Could that be so? The publication has an article with different versions of when the first coffee plantations appeared in the Amazon region. And, while still looking back, it will be possible to learn how research worked to the benefit of coffee cropping and how this is related to the new clones that are present today in the farms. And, speaking about novelty, readers can learn more about the launch of cultivars for individual hybrid clones, which is being prepared by Embrapa Rondônia, as part of the strategy of a technological package for the development and viability of coffee crops in line with new demands and challenges.
The magazine also addresses the effect of new space arrangements in the farms, integrated management of the coffee borer beetle, and the challenge of performing post-harvest stages well. Another text stresses the potential of the use of Southwestern Amazon lands and the large soil variability that can be determinant for the success or failure of coffee cropping. A special feature was prepared with the map of soils in the Western Amazon region and the descriptions of use for coffee cropping.
And there is more. As a taster, this edition has recipes prepared by specialists with Amazonian Robusta coffee as its main ingredient. That is flavor that goes beyond the cup.
Translation: Mariana Medeiros
Renata Silva (MTb 12361/MG)
Embrapa Rondônia
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