24/06/19 |   Technology Transfer

Embrapa's Sisteminha advances in Brazil and reaches seven countries

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Photo: Fernando Sinimbu

Fernando Sinimbu - Fish tank is the heart of the system

Fish tank is the heart of the system

A sustainable agricultural model, the Integrated Food Production System (Sisteminha Embrapa) has been advancing and reaching seven states. It has been changing the lives of smallholders, with improved diets and family income, in Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais and Tocantins. The system has crossed the Atlantic Ocean onto the African continent, where it successfully operates in Ghana, Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Tanzania, Angola and Mozambique.

Sisteminha, or "little system", consists in an artisanally-built fish farming tank, a coop, a wormery, hydroponics, a compost shelter, and a peripheral vegetable patch. The fish tank has 5000 liters in capacity and works with a water recirculation system. Through the pilot project, production capacity totalled around 25 kg of tilapia in 3 cycles per year.

The fish can weigh between 150 to 200 grams at the end of each cycle. The whole system reused the water from the fish tank, which reduces production costs and increases food supply. The system can be assembled in plots that are between 100 to 1000 square meters large, in urban peripheries or rural areas.

Created in 2002 by the researcher Luiz Carlos Guilherme during his PhD in Animal Science at the Federal University of Uberlândia, the system was improved by Embrapa Mid-North's Research Implementation Unit in Parnaíba, a town located 348km North of Teresina, the capital of Piauí. Sisteminha was boosted by the Green Arc Project, by the federal government, in Amarante, in Western Maranhão, 835km away from São Luís, capital of that state.

The first beneficiaries were the Indigenous villages Nova Gavião and Juçaral Guajajara. Once they approved it, the system gained momentum. In Piauí, a demonstration unit at the Cajueiro settlement, at the Coastal Tablelands Irrigation District in Parnaíba's rural zone is a showcase.  

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Fernando Sinimbu (654 MTb/PI)
Embrapa Mid-North

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