06/09/19 |   Technology Transfer

Ethiopian delegation learns from Brazilian experience with acid soils

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Photo: Carlos Dias

Carlos Dias - The Ethiopians visited the Geomatics center

The Ethiopians visited the Geomatics center

On September 6, Embrapa Soils was visited by officials of Ethiopia’ Ministry of Agriculture, senators and governors. The group visited the research center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to exchange experiences on the management of acidic soils, since acidity affects 40% of agricultural soils, that is, more than six million hectares of the African country. ”We need to take the successful Brazilian experience of integrating this land, which happened in the Cerrado, to the productive system in Ethiopia", said Tefera Solomon, director of health and soil fertility improvement of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture.

”The miracle of the Cerrado" was also quoted by Steffen Schulz, soil fertility manager of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), who accompanied the group during their visit. “We have also been to Embrapa's headquarters, Embrapa Cerrados, and Embrapa Rice and Beans, and we had a talk with the private initiative and fertilizer producers to get an overview. The basic principles of acid soil management are known in Ethiopia, but we're missing a system that sustainably provides information farmers, involving the government and the private sector. This is a scenario led by Brazil. We look forward to learning from Embrapa and transferring this technology to Ethiopia."

The difference between the Brazil and Ethiopia's agrarian structure was remembered as a possible obstacle by the head of research and development of Embrapa Soils, Vinicius Benites. “They will have to adapt it to their situation based on what we did in Brazil regarding government research, legislation and incentives.”

The technical support project related to the management of acid soils is in the final phase of adjustments between Embrapa and the Brazilian Agency for Cooperation (ABC), the agency funding the technical assistance activities based on the adoption of soil correction best practices with the use of limestone.

According to Benites, who is the project leader, Embrapa was called upon by the Ethiopian government, but the scope of the work was only defined in 2018, when it started to be fulfilled by the arrival of Brazilian researchers in the country for meetings with the local technical teams. In addition to Embrapa and ABC, the partnership includes the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (Eiar), a research institution that reports to the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture.    

Collaboration: Kátia Marsicano - Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Relations (Sire)

Translation: Emanuelle Galdino, supervised by Mariana Medeiros


Carlos Dias (20.395 MTb RJ)
Embrapa Soils

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