30/04/21 |   Nanotechnology  Research, Development and Innovation

Research on pine nanocellulose wound dressing earns international award

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The researcher Francine Ceccon Claro, who developed a low-cost wound dressing that is based on pine nanocellulose for her master's degree project, received an international award for the research. The work was presented and awarded on Thursday, April 29, by the International Council of Forest & Paper Associations (ICFPA). In the meeting, the international jury learned about the results and benefits of the study conducted at Embrapa Forestry's Wood Technology Laboratory, which was advised by the researcher Washington Magalhães, for her master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the Universidade Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

The  Blue Sky Young Researchers and Innovation award is a competition for young researchers and professionals of the forestry sector. After being selected at the national stage of the competition, led by the Brazilian Tree Industry (Ibá) in December 2020, at the international stage the study won alongside two others: one on a biodegradable bioplastic made from pine sawdust (by Jesus Rodriguez, from Chile), and the other on dewatering of cellulose nanomateriais by ultrasound (by Udita Ringania, from the United States).

For Francine, the award demonstrates the usefulness of her research findings and applicability: “it shows that scientific research brings  significant results for society. Seeing this being recognized and even materialized is what moves the work of science”, the researcher celebrates. According to Washington Magalhães, who advised the master's candidate, “nanotechnology offers a vast field of work and, when combined with a renewable raw material such as planted forests, it enables the sustainable creation of products that are beneficial to society. We have many possibilities that are yet to be explored”, he assesses.

New steps to make the technology accessible are in progress. The process is now at the industrial development stage through a contract between Zinux, an innovation company, Senai and Embrapa.

Learn more about the technology and the other awards it received by clicking on the links on the side.

Katia Pichelli (MTb 3594/PR)
Embrapa Forestry

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Phone number: +55 41 99977-5787

Mariana Medeiros - Translation (0013044/DF)
General Secretariat

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