27/07/21 |   Research, Development and Innovation  Animal production  Plant production

Multifunctional inoculation aims to revolutionize Brazilian pastures

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Photo: Ronaldo Rosa

Ronaldo Rosa - The multifunctional inoculant is already available for farmers.

The multifunctional inoculant is already available for farmers.

  • Inoculant formed by the combination of two microorganisms increases forage production and plants' nutrient absorption.

  • Technology increases biomass and the absoption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

  • It increases efficiency in the use of fertilizers, generating savings. Inoculation with A.brasiliense bacteria was equivalent to applying 40 kg/ha of nitrogen. 

  • Inoculation mitigates emissions from fertilization and accumulates carbon in the pasture biomass. Hence the technology offers potential to generate carbon credits.

  • Public-private partnership made technology available for the market. Seeds and leaves can be inoculated for pre-established pastures.

Embrapa Soybeans has just developed an innovative technology that combines microorganisms with multifunctional properties (Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens) and that offers potential to increase the yield of pastures with Brachiaria by 22% on average, and enhance the plants' nutrient absorption as well. According to the Embrapa researchers Mariangela Hungria and Marco Antonio Nogueira, the inoculation with microorganisms increases not only forage biomass production but also the absorption of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). “The development of this multifunctional inoculation technology for pastures reinforces Brazilian leadership in the use of microorganisms in agriculture”, states Hungria, stressing that the achievement also represents a commitment to the development of sustainable production systems.

The multifunctional inoculant is already available for farmers through a public-private partnership between Embrapa and the company Biotrop, which has just launched the technological package called PASTOMAX. The package consists of a kit with three products: PASTOMAX PK (Pseudomonas fluorescens); PASTOMAX N (Azospirillum brasilense) and PASTOMAX Protege (protective additive, aimed at protecting bacteria against desiccation and sunlight). 

For Jonas Hipólito, Marketing and Strategy director at Biotrop, the joint development of the product with Embrapa reinforces the company's commitment to seeking innovative solutions, with a clear return on investment for customers. “Biotrop fosters public-private partnerships such as the one established with Embrapa because it understands that research, development and technology transfer allow faster availability of new solutions aimed at agricultural productivity, which make the fields more sustainable and profitable, which in turn is the purpose of our company.”

Embrapa Soybeans has researched Brachiaria for a decade. In the last research stage, they conducted tests for four crop seasons in two different soil and climate conditions, with seed and leaf-spray inoculation in pre-established pastures. In the case of Azospirillum bacteria, the main microbial processes involved are the synthesis of phytohormones, tripling root growth; and biological nitrogen fixation. Inoculating seeds or leaves with such bacteria resulted in not only an increase in biomass, but also in an average increase of 13% in N concentration and 10% in K concentration.. 

In turn, Pseudomonas contributes with a set of biochemical processes (which include the solubilization of phosphates, the synthesis of the AIA phytohormone and an enzyme that regulates the production of ethylene). In this case, inoculation via seeds or leaves resulted in an increase in biomass of 11% in potassium (K) and 30% in phosphorus (P). "The development of technology aimed at a synergism between microorganisms and at allowing applications both at the pasture establishment stage and in pre-established pastures. Therefore, it is an achievement to also meet a demand from farmers who need to improve existing pastures”, celebrates the researcher. 

Pasture recovery

In Brazil, 180 million hectares are occupied by pastures, out of which 120 million with cultivated pastures, 86 million with Brachiaria grasses. According to a survey by Embrapa, around 70% of Brazilian pastures are in some stage of degradation and producing below their potential. “Therefore, this is not the time to reduce the use of fertilizers, but to use the potential of microorganisms to increase the efficiency of the use of these fertilizers”, highlights Nogueira. Since a major contribution of these bacteria occurs by promoting root growth, plants absorb more water and nutrients, making better use of fertilizers.“Brazil today imports around 80% of the NPK it consumes, so the increased efficiency in the use of fertilizers has a great impact”, Nogueira asserts..

Carbon credits

As for Azospirillum, the biological nitrogen fixation process also results in an input of this nutrient. Studies conducted by Embrapa show that, on average, inoculation with Azospirillum was equivalent to an application of 40 kg/ha of N. From an environmental point of view, Mariangela states that, considering the use of 1 kg of fertilizer nitrogen leads to the emission of approximately 10 kg of CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq), the inoculation contributes to the mitigation of about 400 kg/ha of CO2-eq. “In addition, with the average increase in forage biomass of 440 kg/ha, and the reference value of  443 g of C/kg of Brachiaria, the estimated carbon sequestration is 195 kg of C/ha, or 710 kg of CO2-eq/ha. This could even be used in the national and international carbon credit market”, she points out.

Microbial inoculants : from basic research to the market

Since the 1990s, Embrapa Soybeans has been conducting research, biotechnological development and knowledge transfer related to the use of microbial inoculants, especially for soybean production systems.

Studies have shown that annual re-inoculation in areas cultivated with soybean results in an average increase of 8% in yield, without the need for supplementation with nitrogen fertilizers. In addition to increasing yield, inoculation reduces the cost of production by saving on the use of nitrogen fertilizers and also brings environmental benefits.

Embrapa's research in the 2000s was extended to the search for other plant growth promoting microorganisms for grasses. As a result, in 2009, a new technology was launched with strains of the Azospirillum brasilense for corn and wheat crops. In the 2019/2020 harvest, 10.5 million doses of inoculants with these strains were sold. 

In the 2010s, studies showed the benefits of multiple inocula to enhance plant growth. In 2014, Embrapa Soybeans launched the co-inoculation of soybeans and beans, which consists of the use of two bacteria – legume-specific rhizobia and Azospirilum – which allowed for a 16% increse in the annual gains from the soybean yield. In just five years, coinoculation has already been adopted in 25% of the total area cultivated with soybeans in Brazil.. 

Studies with Brachiaria began in 2010, by bioprospecting bacteria that could promote the growth of the forage Embrapa Soybeans' microorganism gene bank. In 2016, they launched their first inoculation of Brachiaria via seeds. ““But Brazilian needs also required solutions for established pastures, in addition to the supply of other nutrients, particularly phosphorus, which are distinctions present in the current launch of a multifunctional inoculant for seed or leaf application”, Mariagela underscores. The researcher stresses that having Brazilian public research keep delivering innovative solutions requirescontinuous investment in science and human resources, as well as the establishment of productive partnerships with the private sector.


Lebna Landgraf (MTb 2903/PR)
Embrapa Soybeans

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Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
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