08/01/16 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Texas A&M University students learn about milk production and ICLFS

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On January 08th, Embrapa Southeast Livestock welcomed 11 postgraduate and undergraduate students from the Texas A&M University, USA.

The students, who are between 20 and 24 years old, are taking the discipline Studies on Brazilian Agriculture taught by professor Sam Feagley, who has brought groups to Brazil for many years. According to Feagley, the visit is an opportunity for them to see what they learn in the classroom in practice. "The discipline focuses on the differences between Brazilian and American agriculture and livestock", he comments.

The researcher Alberto Bernardi offered a presentation on a pasture-based milk production system and about an area with an integrated crop-livestock-forestry system (ICLFS). Such sustainable and diversified production model, which integrates agricultural, livestock, and forestry activities in the same area, was a novelty for the Americans. The students reported that although they have studied such technological solutions in the discipline, they had not seen such systems up close. Unlike Brazil, where several ICLFS models are used and encouraged by the government, the US has not seen their adoption.

The group arrived in Brazil on January 1st and will stay until the 19th. The students have already made several technical visits related to Brazilian agriculture and livestock in the cities of Manaus, Uberlândia, and Brasília. In the evening, they are going to travel to Piracicaba, to reach the "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture (Esalq). The Americans are also going to visit Foz do Iguaçu, Cascavel, Porto Alegre, and Florianópolis, where their trip ends.


Gisele Rosso (MTb 3091)
Embrapa Southeast Livestock

Press inquiries

Phone number: +55 16 3411 5625

Collaboration: Anaterra Dantas
Embrapa Southeast Livestock

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