Plan of management for laboratorial biological waste: adequacy with standards in Good Laboratory Practice
Plan of management for laboratorial biological waste: adequacy with standards in Good Laboratory Practice
The adoption of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) contributes to the development of scientific research, as they result in greater reliability and efficiency of the results. In order to follow some of the current standards, such as GLP or ISO 17025, the laboratory must adopt measures of organization, control, training, standardization and registration of its activities. The laboratory must also adopt practices that guarantee the safety of its personnel and the community in general. Among these is the management of biological waste generated by the conducted analyzes. Since 2004, Embrapa Dairy Cattle has been implementing environmental management actions, aiming at surveying and disposing of environmental liabilities, as well as involving staff members in selective collection actions and proper destination of the waste generated. This context and the report generated in February 2007 by the Internal Environmental Management Commission (CIGA) guided this project. In the studies for the preparation of the 2006 report, it was evident the still incipient involvement of the internal community in the proposed actions and it was not clear that the environmental component should be considered in its daily life and in its lines of action, in order to make coherent the discourse and practice. The conformity in fulfilling official requirements was adapted to national, state and municipal legislation. It was necessary to make tools available and democratize their use regarding selective collection; involvement of the internal community and the Head of Embrapa Dairy Cattle in these actions. To this end, the following strategies were adopted: interview with the actors in the process of generation and destination of biological waste and implementation of biological waste management. In order for this to occur in all laboratories, uniformly, standard operating procedures (POPs) were elaborated, as recommended by the GLP. Records of data related to quantity, form of disposal and control of waste were also prepared. They are filed and managed according to a specific procedure. There was also a training course, based on the results of the qualitative research and the quantitative survey carried out. This training was made available to the internal public (Embrapa Dairy Cattle) and to people appointed by the State Council for Science and Technology (CONECIT), seeking to strengthen and structure the Pole of Excellence in Biotechnology, key participants in this process.
Ecosystem: Atlantic Forest
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 Conclusion date: Wed Jun 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010
Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Project leader: Marcelo Henrique Otenio