Selection of nitrogen fixing bacteria to produce Centrolobium paraense seedlings in Roraima

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Photo: FERREIRA, Ana Lucia

Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) is one of the most important natural processes in the planet. It is either conducted by bacteria in the soil or added by inoculants, which associate with plant roots to capture and transform nitrogen from the air. Plants cannot assimilate atmospheric nitrogen by themselves. Therefore, the presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil composition is important. A legume that has been understudied with regard to its interaction with nitrogen fixing bacteria is Centrolobium paraense Tul., a species that is native to the Brazilian state of Roraima and which has been used to make furniture, fences, coloring agents, etc. Thus, this project aims to select bacteria that are efficient for biological nitrogen fixation and in promoting the growth of Centrolobium paraense Tul. seedlings in Roraima. For this purpose, fruits from the tree are going to be collected in diverse regions of the state in order to obtain seeds. Fruits and seeds of each region will be characterized. The seeds obtained will be used, firstly, in vases containing soil for the assessment of the simbiotic efficiency of bacteria; further on, the most efficient ones will be evaluated in nursery conditions, and then they will be taken to the fields.

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 Conclusion date: Wed Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

Head Unit: Embrapa Roraima

Project leader: Krisle da Silva


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