Maintenance and development of the Embrapa Dairy Cattle’s “Technology Innovation Office”

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Photo: La Falce, Marcos

In 2011, following an institutional action, Embrapa homogenized the organizational structures of all its Research Centers. This action was aimed at strengthening the process of technological innovation in the corporation. As regards innovation management, this restructuring posed challenges in order to reach its objectives. In this scenario, Embrapa Dairy Cattle's Technological Innovation Team (NIT) incorporated new assignments that required specific skills and knowledge of the entire group, as well as the need to structure new action processes. Thus, the purpose of this project was to strengthen the actions of innovation management in Embrapa Dairy Cattle through the maintenance and development of NIT, as a catalyst for this internal process. The actions included the areas of intellectual protection, formalization of strategic partnerships, licensing of technologies, incubation of companies and knowledge management. In general, actions were carried out to identify and analyze technologies regarding the possibility of intellectual protection, followed by definition of protection and transfer strategies, dissemination of identified technologies, negotiation of partnerships with public and private institutions, and systematization of internal processes related to the theme, in addition to training of the team in strategic areas for its action. As a general result, the most structured and qualified performance of NIT is highlighted, due to the capacity of the team and the systematization of action processes. Specific results include the intellectual protection of technologies and the expansion of Embrapa's network of partners in the areas of research and technology transfer, contributing to the consolidation of the technological innovation process. Besides, the project allowed NIT to proactively interact with the Embrapa technical team, always providing all necessary support in the demands related to intellectual property and technology transfer. In this context, the foundation was created to strengthen the actions of management of technological innovation in Embrapa Dairy Cattle, in order to maximize the results of the transfers to society of the technologies generated by the institution. The project was financially supported by Fapemig (Minas Gerais State Research and Innovation Support Foundation).

Status: Completed Start date: Sun Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 Conclusion date: Fri Sep 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016

Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle

Project leader: Denis Teixeira da Rocha


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