Monitoring of animal infectious diseases to support research and farm management in Embrapa Dairy Cattle’s Experiment Stations (CEEGL)

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Photo: OKUBO FILHO, Alcides

The Experiment Stations of Embrapa Dairy Cattle have a strategic infrastructure for conducting research projects and experiments with direct and practical application of results. Keep livestock (young and adult animals) and infrastructure in the production systems in permanent operation require significant investment in terms of labour and financial funds. In the experiment stations, many factors or variables related to milk production are controlled in order to increase the accuracy of results with a consequent better quality of experiments and research projects. In this particular, there is a gap in relation to the monitoring of infectious diseases that affect production and/or reproduction (mastitis,leptospirosis, bovine viral diarrhea - BVD and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis - IBR) of the animals used in routine milk production and research work in the Experiment Stations. The continuous conduction of

examinations in animals for diagnostic purposes allows monitoring and consequently obtaining knowledge on the health status of the herd, thus aiding researchers in selecting animals for the experiments and the managers of the Experiment Stations in decision-making regarding the adoption of biosecurity measures. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to carry out the monitoring of mastitis, leptospirosis, BVD and IBR in the livestock of the Experiment Stations of Embrapa Dairy Cattle. The results are stored in a database and later analyzed in order to generate a list of animals with the potential of being selected for experiments. Results include information on the health status of animals and herds and reports for aiding discussion with the managers of the Experiment Stations, at both the animal and herd levels, on decision-making regarding control and prevention measures for the above mentioned diseases.

Status: Completed Start date: Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 Conclusion date: Thu Jan 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019

Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle

Project leader: Guilherme Nunes de Souza


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