Management system of cipo-titica in the "PA Nova Canaã" - Araguari River Basin
Management system of cipo-titica in the "PA Nova Canaã" - Araguari River Basin
The ‘cipó-titica’ vine (Heterops flexuosa) is a non-timber forest product of economical importance in Amapá. Its long and resistant aerial roots have historically been used for crafting furniture, utensils and handcrafts. The project will be situated in Nova Canaã settling, at Porto Grande municipality (Amapá) and aims to evaluate cipó-titica plants density in the forest in order to identify phorophytes (tree species that host the vine) and thus determine the rate of growth and emission of new roots; to evaluate the effect of varying harvesting intensities on the plant; to compare the growth and new roots emission rate after cutting and pulling the roots during harvest; to calculate production costs and income provided to the agro-extractive families; to identify the values, including prices, of the market clients for the vines.
Ecosystem: Amazonic
Status: Completed Start date: Sat Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 Conclusion date: Sun Mar 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019
Head Unit: Embrapa Amapá
Project leader: Ana Claudia Lira Guedes
Keywords: Heteropsis, PFNM, conservação florestal, desenvolvimento econômico