Strategies for sustainable development of family farms focused on agroforestry systems and recovery of degraded pastures in the Amazon region
Strategies for sustainable development of family farms focused on agroforestry systems and recovery of degraded pastures in the Amazon region
Considered the largest reserve of biological diversity in the world, the Amazon is also the largest Brazilian biome in extension, occupying almost half of the national territory (49.3%). Based on its unique characteristics and vulnerability, the need to strengthen productive activities that combine income improvement, social inclusion and proper use of its natural resources becomes increasingly clear. Among its main economic activities, the growth of agriculture in the Legal Amazon has been quite expressive, especially in states such as Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Pará. However, this development has been generating significant environmental and social impacts and little has resulted in benefits for the majority of the rural population, especially for small farmers. In this context, rural extension is often cited as the most coherent way to support the development of family farming, but for the extension worker to actually act as a transformation agent, it is essential that he is technically prepared to carry out his activities. Training the extension worker in a participatory and face-to-face manner will be the core of this proposal, especially with regard to technologies aimed at agroforestry systems, including ILPF systems, and the recovery of degraded pastures. As a central strategy of the training process, "Learning Units" will be established with the purpose of popularizing and disseminating the technologies addressed during training. In short, this project intends to consolidate and strengthen the transfer of technologies aimed at family farming in the Amazon region, thus reducing the conflicts generated between the need to conserve natural resources and agricultural production in these family farms. (Google translation)
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Fri Jun 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023
Head Unit: Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral
Project leader: Luciano Bastos Lopes