Prospecting technological needs, analyzing public policies, and economic, social, andenvironmental assessment of eucalyptus forest production in new frontier regions inCentral Brazil.

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Brazil has the second-largest area of total forest cover in the world, but is in ninth place interms of planted forests. Still, these are responsible for 91% of the total amount of woodproduced for industrial purposes in the country. Brazil's area of eucalyptus plantationsincreased 75% between 2004 and 2015, and the greatest mean annual increases in plantedarea were seen in the central region of the country (over 90,000 ha/yr); this was the second-largest in terms of area currently planted, quadrupling this region's share of plantations in thenational total during this period. This expansion mainly took place to meet needs from thepulp sector, followed by the biomass energy sector (firewood and charcoal). This activity alsocaptured a significant portion of the financing contained in the ABC plan, particularly from2011 to 2013, when interest rates were low and there were good price prospects for forestcrops. But greater supply associated with diminished demand resulting from the economiccrisis brought down prices for end consumers of wood, impacting the expected yields fromestablished forest plantations. This discouraging scenario, together with higher interest ratesfor financing in the ABC plan, reduced loans to the sector from 954 contracts in 2011–2013 (R$264 million) to 506 contracts in 2015–2017 (R$ 230 million), confirming observations thatmany small and medium-sized forest producers who entered the sector with little knowledge,planning, and access to technology have left. This movement is more intense in plantationsproducing wood for energy than in the pulp sector, since there is less integration between thelinks that comprise this chain. This frustration, and the exit of new forest producers, makes itdifficult to comply with the international accords Brazil has signed to combat climate change,does not establish sustainable wood supply in the region, and limits potential contributions tothe regional and national economy. The objective of this project is consequently to analyze thesocioeconomic and environmental impacts of the eucalyptus production chain in new frontiersof central Brazil, most notably in the states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, and Tocantins, potentialand roadblocks, and also to look for technological needs that can boost competitiveness. Astudy will be conducted in a different regional center each year, taking advantage of thecomplementary nature of the research activities. The study will begin in the state of Goiás,followed by Mato Grosso and Tocantins.

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2022

Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Project leader: Jose Mauro Magalhaes Avila Paz Moreira
