Extractive forest management: creating references for territorial development in the Amazon (MFE Amazon)

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Photo: Rosa, Ronaldo

This project aims to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge about forest management and local knowledge about extractivism for biodiversity conservation, enabling the development of rural territories in the Amazon, generating income and improving the quality of life of local populations.

Management technologies and good practices for the sustainable production of forest products will be disseminated, validated and adapted for açai, Brazil chestnut, andiroba, pracaxi, buriti, bacuri, babassu, pau mulato, camu-camu, cocoa and cupuaçu species.

In addition, Technological Reference Units will be installed for the handling and processing of forest clearance products in the territories prioritized for the different States covered by the project.

These measures will strengthen the capacity of local actors in the management of natural resources through training and technology transfer events.

This action is part of the Integrated Amazon Project (PIA), financed by the Amazon Fund and operated by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment.

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Thu Aug 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023

Head Unit: Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral

Project leader: Silvia de Carvalho Campos Botelho

Contact: silvia.campos@embrapa.br