Shade management in ILPF systems to reduce grain and forage productivity losses

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The presence of trees causes the interception of part of solar radiation in agricultural systems, mainly affecting shaded plants and variables such as energy balance, winds and water use by plants (Brenner, 1996). In addition to the restriction of solar radiation, there is also competition for water and nutrients near the row of trees (Magalhães et al., 2018). Thus, controlling competition for light among forest species and reducing tree drain strength for agricultural and forage crops can represent one of the greatest challenges for the management of ICLF systems.The importance of light input in ILPF systems may require adaptations in the application of silvicultural treatments, considering that management practices have always been developed for monoculture systems. However, carrying out thinning and pruning aims not only to reduce the intensity of shade, but also to reduce the evatranspiration surface of the tree and thus reduce the strength of the tree drain of the other components of the system. Thus, the conduction practices of the components in the ICLF must seek to maximize the productivity and profitability of the system and not just of the isolated components. Based on this premise, the research project will generate indicators related to the productivity of the system after thinning and pruning the trees within the system. Thus, the general objective of the project is to evaluate the influence of forest component management on grain and forage productivity in ILPF systems. The specific objectives are: to evaluate the effect of pruning and thinning of trees on the productivity of annual crops in integrated systems; evaluate the effect of pruning and thinning on forage productivity in integrated systems with denser arrangement of trees; to evaluate the effect of pruning and tree thinning on the microclimate and soil water dynamics of integrated systems. With these results, we seek to improve the management of integrated systems with trees, seeking to reduce the impact of trees on grain and forage yields; detailing the effect of shade management on the microclimate of integrated systems; and the establishment of adequate tree management aimed at sustainable food production in integrated systems.

Status: Completed Start date: Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Sat Jul 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021

Head Unit: Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral

Project leader: Alexandre Ferreira do Nascimento
