Installing units to demonstrate techniques for planting and collecting geneticmaterials from Araucaria angustifolia

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Araucaria angustifolia, also known as the Paraná pine, is the symbol of southern Brazil and aunique component of the mixed ombrophile forest (also known as Araucaria forest) that is partof the Atlantic Forest biome. After heavy logging in the twentieth century, this species wasincluded on Brazil's official list of threatened flora species, which significantly diminished itsuse in economic activities, as well as scientific studies of this species. Recent scientific researchhas investigated ways for this species to generate income for rural producers whilesimultaneously being preserved. One example is a partnership between Embrapa Florestas andGralha Azul Transmissão de Energia S.A. (a subsidiary of Engie Brasil Energia). This partnershipis meant to encourage planting of this species as well as establish a germbank to preserveAraucaria angustifolia in the state of Paraná that represents the natural genetic variability ofthe natural population in a plantation area. It involves establishing 16 technology referenceunits for planting Araucaria trees (together with other mixed ombrophile forest species) onland belonging to rural producers in Paraná as well as the Paraná Rural Development Institute(IDR-PR) as a strategy for technology transfer, and also establishing a collection of geneticmaterial for this species at Embrapa's experiment station. The project will develop technicalreferences in the form of production systems so that rural producers can remediate LegalReserve areas in their properties and comply with the new Forest Code in an effective,productive, and conservationist manner. Another interesting facet of this project is theinclusion of hives for stingless bees (native to mixed ombrophile forest) in the units, which canprovide a source of income for producers and also function as an indicator of environmentalquality in these areas.

Status: Completed Start date: Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020 Conclusion date: Sat Sep 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2023

Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Project leader: Sergio Ricardo Silva
