Mapastore - Sustainability and Recuperation of Grasslands: Technical, Environmental and Economic Aspects with Technology Transfer and Decision-Making
Mapastore - Sustainability and Recuperation of Grasslands: Technical, Environmental and Economic Aspects with Technology Transfer and Decision-Making
Photo: Torresan, Fabio
The total extension of the grasslands in Brazil still isn't quantified with precision, and even less are the degraded pastures. The demand for technologies that are able to quickly map and monitor the areas which are occupied with grasslands and their level of degradation, with precision and low costs, are ever growing. This research investigates the potential of the correlation between the data extracted from satellite images and data regarding grassland degradation obtained in field surveys. The chosen study area has 11 thousand hectares and covers rural properties in the county of Guararapes, in western São Paulo state. The information obtained will be used to establish strategies which promote the conservation, management and productivity increase in Brazilian grasslands. The project’s goal was to map grasslands belonging to the chosen research area and identify their level of degradation; also, to raise field data related to the ecology of the grasslands and of the soil; to develop a spectral identification method for the grasslands' degradation levels; to characterize the environmental impacts; to develop erosion risk maps; and to elaborate, implement and disclose dynamic maps in WebGIS. Some of the obtained results were: obtention of technical information regarding the degradation levels of the grasslands and the agricultural activities associated to them and agricultural and stockbreeding, socio-economic and agro-environmental indicators. Other results are linked to the detailed mapping of the soils, and erosion risks in the grasslands belonging to the studied area. These data should ground the elaboration of public policy in the region. For more information, access: /
Ecosystem: Semi-mixed and seasonal forests, Cerrados Region
Status: Completed Start date: Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 Conclusion date: Mon Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012
Head Unit: Embrapa Territorial
Project leader: Cristina Aparecida Goncalves Rodrigues