SIT-Foot and Mouth Disease (Aphthae epizooticae) - System of Territorial Information of the Borderland Strip for Agricultural Defense

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Photo: EMBRAPA, Monitoramento por Satélite

Agricultural Sanitary problems don't obey frontier lines, especially when there is land continuity as is the case of the borderland strip between Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru. Embrapa Satellite Monitoring and the Department of Agricultural Defense of the Ministry of Agriculture have developed a system to help agricultural defense along the borderland strip, with the main goal to contribute to the eradication of the foot and mouth disease. Precise and up-to-date knowledge on spatial distribution of formal and informal roads, trading routs, urban infra-structure, forest remnants, grasslands' localizations and agricultural cultures is fundamental to the set-up of public policy and preventive and corrective actions, or the ones regarding the monitoring of sanitary matters. This project presents an update of the System of Territorial Information of the Borderland Strip (SIT-Foot and Mouth Disease), a work developed in 2006. The system provides content on detailed spatial information regarding Brazilian borderland strips, being made of the lands that extend from Acre, Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul and countries such as Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. The goal was to encourage the planning, monitoring and actions of control and combat of animal and vegetable diseases and their eradication, always trying to disclose detailed information that could be used in the elaboration of preventive measures against the foot and mouth disease. As a result, the project's WebGIS was improved, presenting now a graphic interface capable of integrating, manipulating, analyzing and disclosing geographic information through the internet, in a dynamic and interactive manner. Data from the system of animal sanitary defense which are managed by state veterinary services and by specific units of the Ministry of Agriculture were incorporated. For more information, access: http://

Status: Completed Start date: Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 Conclusion date: Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

Head Unit: Embrapa Territorial

Project leader: Andre Luiz dos Santos Furtado


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