Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Glycerol Based Polymers From Renewable Sources
Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Glycerol Based Polymers From Renewable Sources
Due to the crescent quest for renewable energy sources, the biodiesel production from renewable sources has created exceeding amounts of glycerol as a biodiesel sub-product. Currently, the most important consumer markets for glycerol are the industries of food, drinks, cosmetics, paper, ink, lubricants and resin. Thusly, studies that aim to find new uses, and open new consumer markets for glycerol have been strongly stimulated, and have been increasingly challenging scientists of practically all areas of knowledge.
Status: Completed Start date: Wed Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010 Conclusion date: Fri Aug 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012
Head Unit: Embrapa Instrumentation
Project leader: Jose Manoel Marconcini
Keywords: fontes renováveis, glicerol, Síntese de polímeros