Dissemination and Disclosure of Grain Species Cultivars for the Agri-business' Increase in Efficiency and Competitiveness in the State of Pará

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The state of Pará is the largest northern producer of rice, corn and caupi beans, and the second largest soy producer. These species are cultivated in all the macro-regions of the state, where the Research and Technology Transfer Support Centers (NAPTs) of the Oriental Amazon are located. Based on this structure, this project aims to propose a strategy for the disclosure and transference of cultivars that are adequate to the region's producers' socio-economic and environmental conditions, through the creation of the Cultivar Disclosure and Diffusion Network. The network consists of interactive and complimentary actions involving the Demonstrative Units, Field Days, Business Plan, Adoption and Disclosure Media Monitoring. The project will be led in eight selected micro-regions, involving grain species cultivars with agri-business potential. The hoped results are market integration, higher competitiveness and sustainability of the productive units involved with agricultural production, as well as the strengthening of the market production of agricultural products.


Ecosystem: Amazonic

Status: Completed Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007 Conclusion date: Fri Sep 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

Head Unit: Embrapa Eastern Amazon

Project leader: Vladimir Bomfim Souza

Contact: vladimir.souza@embrapa.br