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Embrapa Units

Develop and or recommend banana and plantain cultivars with resistance to the main pests (nematodes or rhizome borer) and diseases (black Sigatoka or yellow Sigatoka or Panama desease), and with agronomic and sensory characteristics aligned with the main demands of Brazilian fruit agribusiness. The strategy uses conventional breeding via crosses, adding advanced biology tools, focusing on reducing time and increasing the efficiency of selection of promising genotypes in the progenies, aiming at

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2017

The culture of Palm Tree Oil ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has great socio-economic importance in the state of Pará, the country's largest producer. This culture has risen the growth potential in Brazil, by its oil demand, great productivity and competitiveness when compared to other cultures, availability of altered areas prone to offer favorable soil and weather conditions, generate jobs and income, and protect the soil due to its perennial character. However, the fatal yellowing of palm o ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/09/2010

The banana tree is cultivated from north to south of the country and the main cultivars used are susceptible to pests, with low productivity and some are very tall. The project aims to continue the banana breeding program underway since 1983 and aims to create and agronomically evaluate banana genotypes; assess resistance / tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses; develop basic studies aimed at generating knowledge for pest control in support of the breeding program; use tissue culture techn


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/02/2008