Disponibilidade de nitrogênio no solo adubado com fertilizantes orgânicos compostos.

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Summary: O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o efeito da adição de doses crescentes de diferentes fertilizantes orgânicos compostos nos teores de nitrogênio (N) mineralizado líquido (proveniente apenas do fertilizante orgânico), N mineralizado bruto (proveniente do sistema solo+fertilizante orgânico) e N disponível (soma do nitrogênio na forma inorgânica antes e após a incubação). Os teores de N foram obtidos a partir da incubação aeróbica em ambiente controlado durante 28 dias de 5 fertilizantes adicionados ao solo em 3 doses (150, 300 e 450 mg kg-1 de nitrogênio total). Os teores de nitrogênio mineralizado proveniente mineralização líquida, bruta e os teores de N disponível apresentam resposta diferenciada em função do tipo de fertilizante orgânico, mas não da adição de doses crescentes destes, sendo que a relação C/N é um atributo satisfatório na estimativa de disponibilidade de N no solo. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of the addition of increasing doses of different organic compound fertilizers on the levels of nitrogen (N) mineralized liquid (from organic fertilizer only), N mineralized crude (from the soil system + organic fertilizer) and N available (Sum of nitrogen in inorganic form before and after incubation). The N contents were obtained from the 28-day controlled aerobic incubation of 5 fertilizers added to the soil in 3 doses (150, 300 and 450 mg kg-1 of total nitrogen). The levels of mineralized nitrogen obtained from crude, liquid mineralization and available N content present a differentiated response depending on the type of organic fertilizer, but not from the addition of increasing doses of these, and the C / N ratio is a satisfactory attribute in the estimation of Availability of N in soil. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of the addition of increasing doses of different organic compound fertilizers on the levels of nitrogen (N) mineralized liquid (from organic fertilizer only), N mineralized crude (from the soil system + organic fertilizer) and N available (Sum of nitrogen in inorganic form before and after incubation). The N contents were obtained from the 28-day controlled aerobic incubation of 5 fertilizers added to the soil in 3 doses (150, 300 and 450 mg kg-1 of total nitrogen). The levels of mineralized nitrogen obtained from crude, liquid mineralization and available N content present a differentiated response depending on the type of organic fertilizer, but not from the addition of increasing doses of these, and the C / N ratio is a satisfactory attribute in the estimation of Availability of N in soil.

Publication year: 2017

Types of publication: Paper in annals and proceedings


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