To improve estimates of neotropical forest carbon stocks more direct measurements are needed: An example from the Southwestern Amazon.

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Author(s): MELO, A. W. F. de; LIMA, A. J. N.; OLIVEIRA, M. V. N. d'; SANTOS, J. dos; BRONW, I. F.; AMARAL, E. F. do; SILVA, S. S. da; OLIVEIRA, I.; CAMARGO, P. B. de; HIGUCHI, N.

Summary: In our study, we conducted direct forest inventories in the SWA to address the following question: Do the allometric patterns, biomass, and carbon stocks observed in the Southwestern Amazon differ from those found in other regions of the Amazon or Pantropical? Our research reveals substantial differences in water and carbon content, biomass stocks, above- and below-ground oven-dry biomass ratios, and allometric patterns between SWA forests and other Amazonian and Pantropical forests.

Publication year: 2024

Types of publication: Journal article

Unit: Embrapa Acre


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