Desempenho de ovinos terminados em confinamento com resíduo desidratado de vitivinícolas associado a diferentes fontes energéticas.
Desempenho de ovinos terminados em confinamento com resíduo desidratado de vitivinícolas associado a diferentes fontes energéticas.
Author(s): BARROSO, D. D.; ARAUJO, G. G. L. de; SILVA, D. S. da; GONZAGA NETO, S.; MEDINA, F. T.
Summary: Foram avaliados os efeitos de dietas combinando o residuo de vitivinicolas a diferentes fontes energeticas sobre consumo, ganho de peso diario e conversao alimentar em ovinos terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 18 ovinos sem padrao racial definido, nao castrados, com idade- aproximada de sete meses e peso vivo media inicial de 23,Okg, distribuidos num delineamento em blocos casualizados, com tres tratamentos e seis repetiçoes. 0 periodo experimental constou de 63 dias, sendo as dietas compostas de 50% de residuo de vitivinicolas e 50% de concentrados energeticos: grao de milho moido (Zea mays) (Tl), raspa de mandioca (Manihot esculenta) enriquecida com 1,8% de ureia (T2) e farelo de palma forrageira (Opuntia ficus) enriquecido com 1,1% de ureia (T3). Foram avaliados os consumos de materia seca (MS), proteina bruta (PB) e carboidratos totais (CHOT), ganho de peso diario e total e a conversao alimentar. Os consumos de MS, PB e CHOT foram de 1.085, 906 e 1.508g dia-1; 129, 139 e 220g dia-1; 846, 691 e 1.157g dia-1; os ganhos de peso media diario foram de 117,71 e 132g; a conversao alimentar de 9,50; 13,28 e 11,30, respectivamente para as combinaçoes de residuo e grao de milho maido, raspa de mandioca e farelo de palma. As medias diarias de ganho de peso vivo obtidas pelos ovinos ao longo do periodo de engorda revelaram um bom potencial forrageiro do residuo de vitivinicolas combinado as diferentes fontes energeticas. [Performance of sheep in feedlot termination fed with dried grapes residue diets associated with different energy sources]. Abstract: The effect of combining diets residues from grapewine industries with different energy sources on consumption, daily weight gain and feed conversion of sheep in feedlot termination were evaluated. Eighteen seven-month old male sheep, non-defined breed, were used, weighted initialy 23.0kg, distributed in randomized blocks with three treatments and six repetitions. The experimental period consisted of 63 days, being the diets composed of 50% of grapewine industry residue and 50% of energy concentrate: ground corn grain (Zea mays) (T1), cassava chips (Manihot esculenta) enriched with 1.8% of urea (T2) and fodder cactus dried meal (Opuntia ficus) enriched with 1.1% of urea (T3). Intakes of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total carbohydrate (TCHO) were evaluated, as well as daily and total weight gains and feed conversion. Respectively for the combination of residue and ground corn grain, for cassava chips and for fodder cactus dried meal, intakes of MS, PB and CHOT were 1085, 906 and 1508g dia-1; 129, 139 and 220g dia-1; 846, 691 and 1157g day-1; average daily weight gains were 117g, 71g and 132g; feed conversions were 9.50, 13.28 and 11.30. Daily averages of live weight gains obtained by sheep during the fattening period showed a good forage potential of the residues of grapewine industries combined with different energetic sources.
Publication year: 2006
Types of publication: Journal article
Unit: Embrapa Semi-arid Region
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