Adulticidal activity of dillapiol and semi-synthetic derivatives of dillapiol against adults of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Culicidae).

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Author(s): PINTO, A. C. S.; NOGUEIRA, K. L.; CHAVES, F. C. M.; SILVA, L. V. S. da; TADEI, W. P.; POHLIT, A. M.

Summary: Phenylpropanoid(1) dillapiolisolated from the essential oil of leaves of Piper aduncum L. and thirteen semi-synthetic, C3 side-chain modified dillapiol derivatives 2-14 were evaluated for lethality against hemorrhagic dengue fever mosquito vector Aedes aegypti L. First, adult female mosquitoes were exposed to these substances in a contact bioassay carried out in glass bottles at a single surface density (0.57 mg/cm2). Then median lethal concentrations (LC50) and LC90 were determined for active compounds.

Publication year: 2012

Types of publication: Journal article


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