Sistema Guaxupé
Guaxupe System

Photo: VALENTIM, Judson Ferreira
The Guaxupe System is composed of low impact technologies and management practices for sustainable intensification of pasture-based livestock production, with lower economic investment and higher environmental benefits. Developed by Embrapa, in partnership with livestock farmers from Acre, this production system provides pastures with high productivity of high quality, long-lasting forage, which increases the profitability of pasture-based livestock systems. Research results confirm a 30% increase in meat and calf productivity per hectare and up to 36% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in farms adopting this production system in Brazil.
The Guaxupe System is recommended for soils with low drainage capacity, a predominant characteristic in the state of Acre. This technology is the result of over 25 years of research under specific environmental conditions of Acre, which also occurs in other regions of the Brazilian Amazon.
The Guaxupe System is based on four concepts: 1) the use of biodiverse pastures consisting of different forages in order to increase resilience and maintain productive pastures over long periods of time; 2) intercropping of forages with legumes capable of supplying nitrogen to the system though symbiotic association with native soil bacteria; 3) preventive control of weeds, to reduce renovation costs; and 4) adequate pasture management, to ensure a continuous supply of forage for the herd.
• Developed by Embrapa with livestock farmers from Acre, the Guaxupe System increases productivity and reduces GHG emissions;
• The system is based on biodiverse pastures using different grasses intercropped with legumes, preventive control of weeds and adequate pasture management;
• The system reduces expenses with inputs such as feed and fertilizers;
• Technology allows pastures to remain productive for over two decades;
• The Guaxupé System still overcomes one of the biggest challenges facing pastures in Acre: the Braquiarão Death Syndrome.
Where to find:
Embrapa Acre
Setor de Gestão da Implementação da Programação de Transferência de Tecnologia
Rodovia BR-364, Km 14 (Rod. Rio Branco-Porto Velho) - Cx. Postal 321
Rio Branco - AC – CEP 69900-970
Fone: (68) 3212-3401
Agricultural System: Other agricultural systems Launch year: 2023
Country: Brazil Region: North State: Acre Biome: Amazon Rainforest
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre