Method to implement crop-livestock-forest systems with corn, forage and tree species

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Photo: OLIVEIRA, Tadário Kamel de

The method presents technical recommendations for integrated systems in Acre and allows for grain production combined with the renovation of pastures and introduction of tree species. It includes different arrangements of ICLF systems, livestock-forest behavior of native and exotic tree species in Acre, methods of implementation, maintenance, management and economic viability. One of the proposed arrangements includes planting the native tree species Calycophyllum spruceanum (of commercial value) and Samanea tubulosa (source of nitrogen and shade) alongside corn in-between the rows for two years, including during the harvest and mid-season harvest. The forage plant is sown with the third corn harvest.

Such integrated system allows for the intensive use of the soil, the diversification of production activities in the same area, the rehabilitation of degraded pastures, food production, environmental services, and income generation.

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institutions.

Keywords: Acre, Amazon forest, ICLF, integration, crop, pastures, livestock

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).

Where to find:
Embrapa Acre
Rodovia BR-364, Km 14 (Rio Branco-Porto Velho)
Caixa Postal: 321
Rio Branco-AC – CEP: 69900-970
Fone: (68) 3212-3200
Fax:(68) 3212-3284

Agricultural System: Integrated production system Launch year: 2013

Country: Brazil Region: North State: Acre Biome: Amazon Rainforest

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre

Participating Units: Embrapa Acre

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