Pineapple crop production system for the state of Acre, Brazil

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Photo: Romeu Andrade

The availability of the Pineapple Culture Production System for the state of Acre, Brazil, has the objective of providing access to knowledge and technological solutions to all segments linked to the chain of this fruit tree. The publication presents a set of information and addresses several themes for the cultivation of pineapple in Acre, such as the choice of soil and cultivars, obtaining and implanting seedlings, pest and disease control, harvest and post-harvest, processing, production costs and market.

With this list of data and information, it is expected that the system will be the main source of knowledge for strengthening Acre pineapples, with the offer of better quality products for the consumer, increased income and quality of life for the producers involved. in this business.

Agricultural System: Cultivation system Launch year: 2018

Country: Brazil Region: North State: Acre Biome: Amazon Rainforest

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre

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