Recommendation of conservationist agriculture and its practices for the Vale do Juruá (Acre, Brazil)

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Photo: SILVA, Mauricilia

Conservation agriculture is a system that advocates the use of low-impact technologies that help to improve soil quality, protect this resource and allow diversifying productive activities. This agricultural practice does not use fire to prepare the area of ​​family farming crops and other production scales, with the implementation of good conservationist agricultural practices of no-till, cultivation of soil cover plants and of economic interest (cash crops) in rotation / consortium schemes, as well as recommending the use of soil amendments and fertilizers. In addition to improving crop performance, conservation techniques reduce the use of land mechanization. As a result, expenses with machinery, fuels, labor in soil preparation and production costs are reduced. In experiments conducted in the Demonstration Units located in the Vale do Juruá (Acre, Brazil), the productivity of cassava and corn increased between 40 and 50%, in relation to conventional crops. In addition, the use of conservation systems allows intensifying productive activities, with the planting of these cultivars in the same harvest year, with the expansion of opportunities for generating food and income on the property. Therefore, they help to confirm the economic and environmental viability of this system.

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).

Where to find:
Embrapa Acre
Rodovia BR-364, Km 14 (Rio Branco-Porto Velho)
Caixa Postal: 321
Rio Branco-AC – CEP: 69900-970
Fone: (68) 3212-3401

Saiba mais:
- Agricultura conservacionista na produção familiar no Juruá, Acre:

Agricultural practice: For soil management Launch year: 2018

Country: Brazil Region: North State: Acre Biome: Amazon Rainforest

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre

Participating Units: Embrapa Acre

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