Sibraar – Brazilian Agro-Traceability System

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Photo: CRUCIOL, Magda

A blockchain-based technology, Sibraar allows the automatic chaining of the digital signatures of batches of agroindustrial products, as it directly provides consumers with information about the product’s source, lab data, and distribution and sales through bi-dimensional QR codes. Each batch receives a URL with the product information, accessed by the consumer through a code (QR CODE) stamped on the packages. Through cryptographic tools, the information is recorded in a blockchain and starts to have a track for data auditability, free from adulteration risks. This way, the system grants security and information integrity. The system is for the agroindustry, can be used in different sugarcane products, and can also be customised for application in other crops. The technology was applied for the first time in brown sugar production with the aim of curbing adulteration and ensuring its quality, adding value to the final product that comes to the national and international market with the Embrapa Technology seal.

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).

Commercial product: açucar mascavo - Terras do Paraíso

Where to find:
Ferpall Tecnologia LTDA

Product: Software Launch year: 2022

Country: Brazil Region: Southeast State: São Paulo Biome: Atlantic Rainforest

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture

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