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Produtores interessados em produzir sementes de grão-de-bico já podem preparar a documentação para participar da oferta de sementes para produção das cultivares de grão-de-bico...
Publishing date: 12/04/19
A vitrine de tecnologias desenvolvidas pela Embrapa e expostas na 18ª edição da Tecnoshow Comigo, que acontece entre os dias 08 e 12 de abril em Rio Verde, Goiás, vai contar com...
Publishing date: 08/04/19
Due to the importance of leguminous vegetables for human diets, the year of 2016 was declared by FAO the International Year of Pulses. Pulses are well appreciated in Brazil, and are consumed either fresh or in the form of processed products. Internal consumption has required frequent imports of such pulses; for peas and chickpeas alone, they represented US$ 14 million a year. The domestic market tends to expand due to the constant association of such foods with a series of attributes of high foo
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016