About the theme
Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems (ICLFS) is a production strategy that has been growing in Brazil in recent years. It comprises the use of different production systems, that is, agricultural, animal farming and forestry systems, within the same area. It can be performed through intercropping, crop succession or crop rotation, so that all the activities are mutually benefitial. Such integrated systems aim to optimize land use by increasing productivity levels in one area, better using inputs, diversifying production and generating more jobs and income. All of this in an environmentally sound way, with low greenhouse gas emissions or even mitigating such emissions.
Research and technologies
Discover Embrapa's project portfolio on the ICLFS theme.
The company's different Units carry out research related to management, survey of socio-environmental, agronomic, zootechnical, silvicultural and economic indicators, among other topics.
Technological solutions
ICLFS is a strategy that uses a huge range of technological solutions. They range from soil management technologies, production system management, cultivars, consortiums, among others.
Discover the technologies developed by Embrapa for these systems.
Resumo: O Brasil, desde a chegada dos portugueses, oscilou entre diversos ciclos econômicos de monoculturas de exportação. Houve a expansão da pecuári...
Integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (ILPF); Planejamento Alimentar na Bovinocultura Leiteira; Consórcio de Milho com Forrageiras: Silagem e Pasto no...
A Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, em Sinop, MT, possui duas das maiores, se não as maiores, plataformas experimentais de sistemas de integração lavoura-pe...
A produtividade e a produção do setor agropecuário continuam impactando positivamente a balança comercial do Brasil. Entretanto, ainda existe muita di...
O campo brasileiro vem passando por uma grande transformação, com a adoção de tecnologias mais sustentáveis. O país já possui 15 milhões de hectares com sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária, como a integraçã ... More...
From: Embrapa Posted in: 28/08/2020 Views: 1203
A pesquisadora da Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, Marcela de Mello Brandão Vinholis, fala sobre a adoção de sistemas integrados pelos produtores paulistas. Mais informações em: https://www.embrapa.br/busca-de-noticias/-/ ... More...
From: Embrapa Posted in: 10/09/2018 Views: 2063
Embrapa and ICLFS
Embrapa has been carrying out research with ILPF systems since the 1980s. Currently, more than 20 units of the company carry out some type of research and technology transfer activity on the topic.
Given the importance of the topic and its representation in the company, Embrapa created the ILPF portfolio, which brings together and manages the portfolio of projects on ICLFS systems.
ICLFS Network Association
Aiming to expand the adoption of ICLFS systems in Brazil, Embrapa joined private institutions to form the ICLFS Network Association. This public-private partnership promotes research, technology transfer and communication about ILPF, in addition to providing technical assistance, certifying properties and making rural credit viable.
Find out more about this association, see examples of producers who already use ICLFS across the country and access other content on the topic at www.ilpf.com.br.